okay so we left off with all the crazy nonsence i think im just gonna start from scratch tho.
Aunt is infact PSYCHO Wendy sorry to break your heart there but truth be told hes EVIL and abusive and destroys alot of shit out of jellousy and rage just to hurt everything around her.
further truth be told she is infact a satinist she has a welcoming care package to the church of satin and wears upside down crosses and writes spells... hexes of misfortune on people in her own blood.
so if this isnt insane enough for you I can sure as hell go deeper into it.
like the fact shes also in the KKK and has the robes for the KKK and white supremisist bull crap everywhere.
she loves hitler and she hates jews and she just loves to discriminate the black people by saying nigger every chance she can get.
in a conversation to my grams with her visit she had stated "its all because of a nigger I went to the mental institution and I'm never going to see another nigger doctor again!"
whatever the case may be if she is infact SANE then I'm a fucking alien from Pluto!
shes super jealous of my mom becasue she mrried my dad and had me and stated a billion times over that "your husband should be mine... your lovely house should be mine... your fucking child should be MINE!.... all the stuff blake made for you over the years should be MINE!!!"
so my moms life should have been hers.
in an earlier convo with my psychotic aunt before she had one of her flipout freak fits on mom and I which looking back at it was probabbly triggerd because of the convo involving my father...
still shes the one that was doing all the talking and all I really got in edge wise was "really" and "oh wow."
we all know at least mom and I know my father was a man whore of some sort and he cheated on my mom FREQUENTLY!
he used to use me ad an object when I was younger to reel in his next sex partner and other odd creepy crap of this nature.
My aunt told me that while my mom was pregnant with me she had sex with my dad tons of times and he like it better than with my mom.
my aunt is my moms sister and has had Drug and anger problems her whole life.
when she was younger her dreem goal at the age of 8 was to become a stripper in hopes to be in playboy magazine.
who has that type of goal at 8!!!
further more she had always wanted tattoos okay im not complaining about that alot of people have tattoos and they are very colorful and tasteful and or abstract or just straight up odd...
point beeing I really want a tattoo too but after all this crazy crap that follows along with my story I don't think I'm gnna be prone to get any any time soon.
so now we are jumping to the age of 9 maybe even 10 now shes smoking ciggaretts laced with rocket fuel because all the "cool kids" are doing it.
so now shes got this idea in her head that rocket fuel is good which its NOT!
alter on in middle school and highschool she loved to boast to me about her younger years about all these qualudes and shit she would do.
the woman has had every drug under this bright beautiful sun...
honestly I'm suprised shes even alive because she doesnt understand the word "Moderation."
so here she is loaded and having sex with all these guys for money and drugs and just makingher brain cells deminish to a big fat 0,
not caring about the consequences goes home has evil raging fits with my grandmother who is at this point divorced and rasing her and my mom all by her self on a lousy income working as a waitress in the 60s
and is a single parent.
my grams to this day cannot find any of her old silver certificates she had saved up or her coins and her 2 dollar bills...
all becasue Buffy would buy smokes from the smoke shop with it all,
she has been steeling money from my grams now for years and just doing dumb shit with it which is just straight up rediculous as all hell!
she has had multiple events of blackouts or whatever you would like to call it while I was growing up she would lose track of days like the worst I have witnessed was a whole fucking week where she doesnt remember squat.
she gets in a violent rage and says everyones against her and nobody understands how shes suffering inside and then breaks everything and then wonders why her snakes cage is all shattered and why mice are just roaming around freely infesting her house.
she was an internet stripper and did a bunchof lesbian stuff with the fellow women strippers...
again I cant really say thats not my place whatever she wats to do to make a living fine so be it.
all she knows is stripping, drugs, and money!
its not too pretty when all you do is lie cheat and steal your way thru life.
I never had a "grandma can I get this" childhood becasue my grams would be too busy giving my aunt boatloads of money to feed her horses and buy food and drugs drugs and more fucking DRUGS!!!
so yes talk about stripped childhood and fun moments with grandma nope nine for me none any way that dont involve Buffy in the equasion.
she would come over to our house and take all my good cds and movies and my posters and all my cool stuffed animals I collected.
she went into my bedroom one day when I was at school and stole all my good clothse and rag dolls I got from saving up my allowance.
this is not a way a human of any kind should act!
she has taken my video games and my video game system as well!
its honestly endless on what this bitch has done its just rediculous.
so now shes here and my god if drama was shit flying at a fan at 10000 miles per hr it does.
she threw a fit all night no one slept a wink she complained about everything and bitched all to my grams about all this evil negative shit that she really has no say in edgewise because she doesnt live here.
my grams fears her so agrees with her and powders her precious ass and buys her a god damnd icecream to boot it all!
so now today comes into play she got all her drugs the ones she needs to live and the ones she NEEDS to get high and be a bitch,
my aunt gets the briliant idea to want all her clothing then expects mom and I to sit in the house while she rumages thru all our shit in the gerage.
no I'm just sorry FUCKING NOOOOOO
thats just not doable in my book she breaks things and steals crap and just no shes already had her eye in my eletric viola I got for my 21st birthday and no hell no.
mom puts her foot down and says fine she can go in the gerage but better not touch any of our things and grams is just like yeah yeah whatever.
comes home and tries to separate mom and I when all I wanted to do was tell her not to let my aunt touch any of my plaster cast molds they are expensive and I don't want them broken.
so my grams come in thru the house door and just starts screaming in my face about how I'm to stay inside and not even set foot in the front yard!
she was spitting on me and everything it was not a pleasant moment for me.
my only reply back was no I'm going outside to show you what is mine and I expect it NOT to be touched.
she now proceedes to scream at me and call me an ingrateful brat and that I'm just like my father.
soshes in my face and im not happy the lady is old and smells and doesnt shower and shes just gross period!
she has no concept of good hygeene at all.
so I'm now a little pissed at this point becasue shes being unreasonable and I'm just trying to state my piece she screams at me more to stay in the god damnd house and thats final.
more in my face action screaming in my face about how I can leave her house and not come back because I'm an ungrateful begging brat who can go and shove off.
shes too close to me for my own comfort and I'm now feeling way threatened specially with all the breathing and spitting in my face she was doing I take an index finger and start lightyl poking her in the chest demanding I can stay and watch my things so they dont get harmed in buffys rage.
My grams at this point has completely disowned me and im not happy with her at all for making me feel threatened when all I do for that fat lazy slob is everything!
im embarrased of my house I'm living in
my grams sleeps in dog shit and cat hair and smellyness and before mom and I moved in I swear to god if the healts inspectors came over they would have condemed this house.
Mom and I spent months ripping up old pee and poop covered carpeting and putting in new lenolium and cleaning everything in this smelly ass dump of a house.
I mow her lawn I cook high quality food that you would get served to you at olive garden and I dont even get a thankyou!
I did it all out of love for cooking and liking healthy food to eat.
she would always feed all the food I made to the dogs and cats and only eat two bites I even set up things with fancy presntations and diserts.
my aunt cant cook she doesnt clean she just sits on her ass like my grams complaining about how fat and slobby she is!
and this is the thanks I get today for gardening planting a fucking shit ton of bulbs planting new grass seeds and mowing the lawn is "FUCK YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU UNGREATFUL BITCH!"
I hate to say it but I hate her so damn much she can die onight and I would just laugh,
and it was all brought on by my psycho aunt causing a scene.
so now my aunt is in a nice hotel room plotting more evil and shes comming back tomorrow and wanting to collect up her boxes and again its just gonna be a vicious repeat of today and last night.
its sad and I just cant believe my grams puts up with her and thinks I'm the bad one everything buffy is she said I was!
oh and heres the kicker to all of the happy shit I have went thru today.
my aunt smokes a shit ton of pot and had all this drug paraphinilia laying around and just alot of not good stuff oodles and oodles of drugs from oxycotton to methanfetimines valum and other odd things that get you completely high as a kite.
so buffys claiming that those are from her "past life"
which is BULL SHIT
if you knew her as well as me you could smell that bull shit amile away.
so mom throws it in the garbage can Buffy "obviously" doesnt NEED it if its "FROM HER PAST"
so grams throws a fit and says we need to get it out of the garbage.
which is wrong its buffys she can deal with her precious crack pipes and pot pipes and bongs all on her own!
I kid you not there was over 20 different pieces of this shit!
so because mom dissagreed about picking out drug infested shit out of a trash can grams said fine the cops can come and I'm gonna say it all belongs to your BRAT OF A KID!
first off I dont smoke pot second off that shit aint cool in my book third off THE HELL YOU ARE YOU COW!
I screamed at her some more for being a deceving bitch of a woman.
mom said do it and I'll have every one of thos pieces DNA tested and it will all be Buffys spit and fingerprints on all of that shit.
so grams then got scared helped my aunt pull every last one of the drug paraphinilia out of the trash and take a drive to dispose of the evidence.
what a good loving family I have huh.
when all I wanted was to show my grams what I didnt want my aunt anywhere near.
its a lovely life for me I swear to god it is.
NO its not a lovely life who in there right god damn mind blame drug abus on there own grand child!!! WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT SHIT?!?!?
in any case everything is calm for right now other than my grams giving me mean evil looks and being a bitch and telling everyone of my remaining family members Haneous shit about me to the point of no return.
so yeah its pretty fucking sweet.
Thanks Buffy for another wonderful visit from the devil take your damn fuck me like you mean it 666 tattoo covered ass back to your trailer trash hubby and bite off.
8 years ago