Thursday, December 10, 2009

Alice the Miniseries on SyFy I had to share

okay so I dunno how many people have seen the Alice 4 hour long movie yet but I must share all the you Tube Clips because I feel EVERYONE should see it
simply because I'm soooo happy about it and my love for the mad hatter can live on in the lovely man known as Andrew-Lee Potts *Swoons*

and that my kiddies is all of Alice and I hope it makes you as happy as it makes me ^_^

oh and uhh I just realized it wasnt a Twilight Related post XD
nor was my last few blogs either ^_^

any how yes Alice In Wonderland ranks in the high catagory in my needs to survive it goes as such

1) Anime
2) Alice In Wonderland
3)Vampires all sorts
4) Twilight
5)Zombies and other horror monsters

and jut an fyi before Twilight I hated romance novels HATED!!!!

Any how yep back to Alice love hee hee hee

I love Alice and the Hatter
if he was real he would deffinately have to be mine I would have tea partys all the time and I would be happy becasue I LOVE tea ^_^

Good Night Kids


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