Monday, February 15, 2010

Lack Of Blogging And Twilight Saga: Eclipse Pics

I'm sorry I have been lack there of blogging I have gotten pretty crappy at keeping posted on all the new stuffs... or at least my personal updating XD

So with that being said I'm starting off with I dyed my hair one whole solid color O_o
OMG!!!! yes you heard me right I didn't stutter kiddies its all one solid color...
well umm almost XD where my hair was streaked and chunked out with black is still black, BUT I dont have wild stuff going on like this any more:

Old Hair

YEP its gone all becasue I would like to look good and together when I get a job...
you will now be looking at this:

New Hair

and yes I'm well aware that this is not the best pic on the planet I plan on taking better images a little later but its giving you an idea of what your seeing
and seeing as I'm not a super huge Celeb and I love to advertise good product that works well I'm showing off the box and color I used for my pretty little head XD:

hair in the box

Okie day now moving on to more super fun activity,
like my car O_O
woops bad subject for me today but god I gotta vent XD

I would like to start it off with my god I have my blonde moments for sure XD
it has sleemed to slip my mind that you have to smog your car before you can register it for the year...
alas it slipped my mind :/ and when I finally got to the smogging it didn't pass...

my tag expired on V day and well okay crap happens I cant get too mad about it it was just some dumb insodent that fell all sorts of out of wack...

on a somewhat positive note after spending the whole darn day down at the Car dealers and getting annoyed when my grams came home and her strict questioning of "who the hell touched your car last, you didnt let one of your friends look at your car did you?" and a few more things that we can just leve out and you can imagine what she said before I responded with a "NO no one touched my car."

apparently when the mechanic looked under it it has appeared someone cut some of my wires and wrapped them up all sorts of funky and well every time I drove it I could have died if the wires slipped or anything so i'm not a happy camper about finding all that out.
everything is completely wrong with my car and the end conclusion is everyone is in wow that my car didnt just die completely on me T_T

thank my lucky stars I had failed smog other wise I wouldnt have known squat and possibly continued to risk my life and have problems.

so yeah ok found out bad news but good news at the same time and wow am i relieved about it.

kinda funny as mom and I were driving there i felt it going kinda chuggy like hard to explain but it didnt feel right at all to me thats for sure... :/

any way on to a more positive note I found some cool eclipse pics off of this website called Kinopoisk I'm deffinately not taking credit for these becasue I think surfing that page was hella fun tho I had to translate everything XD here are a few images:








thats all you get you need to visit the link and see the others XD
I'm kinda not happy with Roberts mouth he looks like hes trying to eat Kristen...
I mea yes ok he plays a vampire but his mouth like over powers hers in some of these shots XD
and what the heck are they trying to do to all the giddy over hormonal teens I swear its like some sort of soft core sex going on...
maybe a little dry humping was involved but sheesh...
is it really gonna be rated the same as the others bella looks desparate to get edward's clothse like completely off XD

ok I'm just being all sorts of strange any how I hope you like the pics go visit the website and look at the others and save and share or whatever you wanna do XD

I'm going to bed nao good night

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