Yes you have heard me right kiddies The Twilight Saga: New Moon stuff has now hit Burger King! The day of the special premiere here in Vegas they have forked over the yummy New Moon goodless and ZOMG its the best ^_^
My adventurehas ended ingrand success of getting my hands on everything Burger King has to offer for the New Moon fiends.
I deffinately had it my way today and I'm hella glad I did hee hee hee :3
But before I start on my tanget of wonderful BK stuffs my mom got two New Moon shirts and she has no freaking clue what one to wear com tomorrow T_T
these are just two of the New New Moon shirts that Wal- Mart has in stock for the Twi-hards and well shes having a hard time picking a side.
Shes thinking about wearing the wolf girl shirt and I kinda agree its got alot more going on and its actually cuter looking I think XD
Okay now on to New Moon Burger King FUN:
My mission started out like this
I'm sitting at the comp and I hear the tv go
"since new moon came out it has people picking teams"
and then it goes on to show a bunch of people with team edward and team jacob stuffs and then it shows these awesome water bottls and I was sayting I had to get one for tomorrow XD silly me I'll finish that part in a minute.
so the commercial ends and I'm jumping up and down squealing like a little fan girl Embarrsing yes but still just as funny.
mom and I admited that I should have recorded that for twitter it would have beat my nasty chicken dancing in its butt for sure.
so now I'm just jumping up and down and screaming NEW MOON NEW MOON NEW MOON!!!
so mom being the most awesome mom in the world after the fact of buying me this Charles Winston ring that cost $1,000 shes now so loving as to help subside my urge of combustion by taking me to Burger King to get my silly cup/ Water Bottle,
From that point we got there I saw the first sign and screamed like a school girl and ran inside I couldnt even wait for her to park the car thats sad T_T
I'm reading the details on how to obtain said items I want and get sadly dissapointed when the water bottles I want you have to get via mail order XD
WOW sadness at its finest well I'm thinking all cannot be a total loss I at least want to get the crown with the characters on it so I'm reading a whole nother banner no and it says WITH PURCHACE OF A GIFT CARD wow so mor sad I am seeming to get,
I asked the lady how I get the special card pack they offer and alas you gotta buy a 6 dollar meal to get the cards because they dubble over ad coupons to get new moon merch T_T so now I'm sad as sad can be and I'm asking the lady about the crowns any way and she ended up being super nice and giving me 6 of them ^_^
when you norally have to purchace a gift card to get them well now heres were SUPER MOM saves the day yet again
Because she just knows exactly what to do and makes me happy ^_^
I ended up getting every little microscopic thing that Burger King was giving away so my collection is complete and I am happy all I need now are those ten dollar water bottles XD
So here is my lovely new moon loot ^_^:
the front side of crowns
and the back side of the awesomeness
the whole set of gift cards they are awesome ^_^
the little add that sits on the table that gave me the sad news about my water bottle Blagh!
What the food came in and no I made sure none of it got greasy they packed itall into a bag cause I wanted the boxes and everything to stay clean XD
the card packet that comes with awesomeness
and here is the inside I was gonna post all the pics individually but I figure there has to be some happiness for all you kids out there that want this packet as bad as I did (I got three)
I also got a mint condition bag that has new moon details on it about th gift cards but its just twilight font and some fillagree not worth posting a pic of
this is the Team Edward Water Bottle and I do plan on getting it dont be fooled kiddies
and heres the team Jacob one ^_^
this is the Jacob side of the fountan drink cup
and this is the Edward side of the fountan drink cup again I didnt get soda its empty lol
and finally me enjoying my lovely crown ^_^
I got a few of the crowns so Travis and my mom and I will each be wearing one tomorrow hee hee hee
and thats all I have for you for now my kiddies untill I post my blog about how the New Moon Movie was tomorrow for the sold Out Opening Night at Midnight WOO HOO
8 years ago
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