Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Updates To New Moon Trailers & Extended Scenes

Okay so as always I'm surfing the web and ZOMG I found a few nifty things including two Trailers and Extended Reels I have yet to see from The Twilight Saga: New Moon so I decided to just post a bunch of trailers in the View that New Moon is now 20 days a way and we all know we are excited as hell about it so why not be happy about it :D

so without Further blabbing of my insane face heres some NEW and some not so new trailers and extended awesome New Moon Trailers:

Okay and now seeing as I can't seem to fid this video any where else And I really want to share it with you all you must go to the following links to continue watching Clips and Trailers From New Moon:

And thats all I have for now Stay Tuned Kiddies Because Today they released the Twilight Edward and Bella Barbie Dolls I'm hoping to at least get pics of them at minimum

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