Halloween usually is Nevada day and so now I'm maybe looking at the packages comming between monday to friday of next week >_<
the claw hand
Werewolf Fever is a bad thing O_o
I get into some pretty bad fights yeah lol
this is the funny one because after I was done with the placing and putting on of the tattoos I then found out that they cannot be placed near your eye area...
Truth be told I still do some random stuff with my eyes and well Contacts after a long period of time screw with your eyes too but I LOVE then too much not to have yllow eyes one day and purple the next so thats deffinatey out of the question and I'm glad we have Lasic Vision repair any how I'll look into that after I'm completely blind or something XD no not really lets not worry about my eyes they will be fine.
this was the final pic after all was said and done with going to Lets Make A Deal
I must say I had alot offun even though I didnt win a single thing or even get to be Zonked LOL there is always next week ^_^
Oh heres the bottom of my outfit:
I feel my feet look like they have been bounded and stuffed into small shoes lol maybe its the angle of the pic LMFAO
any how thats pretty much all I have for that day and I got home with a bd migrane and a comp full of norton scanning for viruses so I wasnt able to get on till today XD
ummm in other awesome news uhhhhh... ... ...
Oh yes New Moon is 21 days away!!!! I dunno about you all but I'm pretty freaking happy ^_^
and two days away for the Lovely Twilight Barbie dolls hee hee there is so much excitement on everything,
OH heres an angry thing tho look what they did to make us get three of the same game instead of just one like they did for twilight O_o:
Okay I can understand the Scene It board game but come on why 3 different tins for New Moon???
And if I may add if your temptid to buy the Scene it board game don't its only the one movie and much like the Harry Potter scene it there will alot more to it if you simmer down and just wait a while...
Here are some close ups of the three tins:
so there ya go I am still unclear which one I will be getting but they are at Wal-Mart for $24.00 so your lookingat like $70.00 for the whole set so the choice is yours kiddies.
Hope you all got your movie tickets for the Midnight showing of New Moon as well I bet by now they are selling out!
I'm not gonna say where I'm going to be simply because I don't want to run into people now if I run into them just by Fluke that they will be where I am no big deal I just don't want to do that in advance.
any how I guess thats all I got for now I'm gonna go eat some lunch now ^_^
I'll blog again tonight with some more creepy doll pics probabbly if your lucky ^_^
1 comment:
I LOVE those scratches, they look so real!! COOL! LOL!
I am going to a midnight showing. I got my nerves up and accepted an invitation from a friend Hannah I lost touch with, but we are reconnecting. It is a whole party, trivia, games, etc, Then get to the theater 2 HOURS early, oy. Then go to a diner after. She is shy too so if we feel shy we are going to go to another room and talk Supernatural! LOL!
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