Tuesday, June 23, 2009


okay so where to begin with today....
I wake up and my eye is sore and swollen I got a sty and i'm mad becasue I have been trying to get things all ready for my party and now I have this big huge swolen eyeball >_<

i'm sad becasue I know its only tuesday but oh my god its going to get worse and just my luck i'm gonna have it at my birthday T_T

so i hve my finding nemo ice pack on my eye and its making the pain go away so thats all good.
in other non related news yesterday was a good day ^_^
everything that was suposed to happen happened and now today I gotta deal with a whole new can of worms >_<

on a good note I dont have to deal with that till three woo hoo.

in the mean time I got everything for the most part done other than a few loose ends and the progress of the dress.

I'm holding off on that because I want to devote my undivided atention to it and well today I will be able to ^_^
I got the last of my final paper crafted game all together just gotta make a few awards and then all is well ^_^

I gotta wrap a few things up and then work on the dress.

so i'm gonna leave it at that for now and ill come back later and type up a bunch of good crap


Lee said...

You mess up that dress, I murder you.

Wendyburd1 said...

Oops there is what I was worried about, Lee will kill you! LOL! I am glad it was a good day yesterday and you should ask your doc for some ointment, it feels freaky but could help your eye before the big day!!

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