Sunday, January 17, 2010

the borderline of sanely insane...

so im sitting here this lovely night realizing im really screwing up my blogging i got sick and just declined in care... i guess sickness does that to you:/ i would like to say im sorry but i dunno what i would be sorry about in reality, i have been in such a strange mindstate lately and well i just have felt like crap... i dunno if its because i have been sick or if im just sad misrable and blah in general but im just like *jumps up and screams at the top of her lungs and pulls at her hair* yeah i dunno... i have been listening to my ipod alot more and whats funny is i used to live attatched to it and i knew my shuffle play mode at one point...
now im not so clear on it XD
i guess it could be worse... tho i cant really see how it could be ha ha ha

1 comment:

Wendyburd1 said...

I am sorry you got so sick!

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