Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Now Have A New Page !!!!!

No no no kiddies its not what you think its not a blog but I decided to make an Etsy account because I'm working on my next step of advancement and well I figured why the hell not ^_^

Nothing is up yet and I'm going to re take alot of photos to post everything up and I'll need to gather some time and get some models for my jewelery and other random things like Cosplay Costumes or outfits and other goodies I'm making like Purses or scrapbook Layouts and all that jazz so everything will soon be reachable at peoples fingertips and a point and a click away from getting sent hand made and filled with love straight to your front door XD

okay so thats all I had to say about that.

I bought some scrapbook making crap and well I'm gonna make some super cute things for any and every ocasion and your scrapbooking needs ^_^.

I'll make a link to my site super soon when its got some junk up on it but please not forget to check out my other creations page I'm just bouncing around everywhere with everything for anything lmfao I'm a spazz.

any how I'm gonna go


1 comment:

Wendyburd1 said...

That is a great idea! A lot of people have done well with Etsy!

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