Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just So We All Know I Havnt Forgotten

I'm putting up all my images on deviant art and well for right now you can view them on my deviant art page and all that jazz I will be posting them up here soon though but if you are all impatient you can view them here
Deviantart Page:

they all have watermarks on them cause well I put them there for safety and they are my pictures after all so I did ^_^

I am going to have good copys available for the owners of who is in the pics with me or of pics of people I have took however and yes this includes my buddy Jerry Jewell I'll be giving him un watermarked copys and I'm already on e-mailing the Hillywood crew the images as well in case they want to use them up in the fan section so yes all my images on DA are kinda a bummer but thats just the way it is ^_^

Hope you still like the images any way.

1 comment:

Wendyburd1 said...

It says NOT FOUND!! Sad!!

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