Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Cosplay Making day Nine!!! and some other Twilighty stuff

Okay so a post is never a post unless I have stuff about twilight up or ANIME VEGAS!!!!
Which for the record my cosplay is so kicking major butt ^_^
so excited Ill have to post pics up way soon now.

in other news I guess I didnt know by Breaking Dawn came out with a special edition on August 4th and I feel bad for missing it oddly enough I didnt see it in stores till TODAY!!!
It's beautiful and I should have took pics of it but my dumbass didnt >_<

Happyness had this banner so I snagged it lol ^_^

also with today I got more cosplay done which I already said and I took it upon myself to make a St. Jude Bracelet similar to Bella's but instead of St. Jude I put the Cullens on it including Bella ^_^

The Cullens

I made them a different way I was reading the back of a bottle of goop I had and it said I could make transparentcies and glue them to anything so I decided to print out a few images and give it a go alas there are a few mistakes like a few of the heads are too dang big but I love it none the less ^_^



as you can tell I put Bella and Edward at separate ends becasue when its linked together they are together just like the other couples hee hee hee

I also took it upon myself to paint the Wood Gold and make it look like the Cullens Vegatarian Eyes O_o

Just so its the new religon of the vampire ha ha ha ha

it's not completely done yet but I do plan on super High Glossing it after this whole stage is dry I rushed it a little bit becsaue I wanted to wear it A.S.A.P.
I'm impatient as of lately and also along with this one I plan on making other charms and doo dads and some cool bad vampire and wolf clan St. Jude's Themed Bracelets soon as well ^_^

so stay tuned kiddies Now I'm gonna get back to cosplay cause I'm way behind >_<

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