Saturday, August 22, 2009

FINALLY!!!!! Victory Is Mine You Hear ME MINE!!! Cosplay Creating Day 11 or 12

Yes yes yes okay a little too eccentric but what can I say I'm happy that today went smoothly as smoothly as anything can go really.

I finally got half my scisors complete and I'm gonna bust my butt tomorrow into overtime and cut out the last piece and then sand it all down and then go and paint it cause I'm a crazy person.

yes yes yes all the good of today it took one hour and forty five minutes to load a simple thirteen minute video O_O

why does you tube do this I have no flipping clue but I got it to work Yeeeessss indeedie do.

*Does a little dance of happyness*

I'm also more than a quarter way finished with my book "Let The Right One In."
it's a movie and it's in sweedish and aparently by 2010 they plan on remaking it in americia and calling it "Let Me In."
funny enough thats the origonal title of the sweedish book....

any how heres the video I wanted to post two days ago!!!

(correction it wont work becasue its longer than ten minutes long >_<) hopefully its not too odd O_o its my first video lol I do plan on making more just cause well its fun and well yes ^_^ fun indeed. At this current moment I think I'm a little boggled and still amped out from tons of caffine and yes I know its deffinately not my friend, But I would like to say I have never felt better thought I'm all amped out and nutty LOL. Oh on a side note I have come to realize that no where is there a picture of whats the other side of the dang Breaking dawn cover So thanks to me you now get to see ^_^ Breaking Dawn Special Edition:
Breaking Dawn
Book cover of goodness

Fun Cd

Mini Poster Woot
Mini poster

the writing at the bottom of the poster

And now in other news here are a few cosplay images to feed your mind ^_^


Hand made silk screening ^_^

Yes yes yes I know I'm just simply genius I made my own silk screening and well this rose pattern is going to be appearing on alot of my Rozen Maiden items as an added hint of beauty and texture just to make things look Pretty ^_^

Drills and scisors Creepy things

okay well not only do I play with sharp objects I play with power tools hee hee hee
any how this pic is of one side to my scisors up close caue I wanted to take a pic and well I liked it OKAY!

Kun Kun

He took forever his pattern was made from Newspapers and then I crafted an envelope for him ^_^
I'll have a bunch more images up soon of him this one will have to do for now though hee hee hee
Rosa Mysticas

these are the rings that my characters wear and well the blue one is mine and the green one belongs to mommy ^_^

this isnt the final picture I ended up super high glossing them and now they are super shiny and look hella different but yeah I like this pic cause you can see them better ^_^

This is not red

this is an oops we bought the red and green contact lenses and well I'm so glad I tried them on two days ago becasue well this is not red >_<

yeah as you can see this looks red and well not in my eye ball!

In other news Agan I'm sorry that the video wouldnt load I'm quite mad cause its 13 minutes long and aparently thats too long for a video file so I cant find a place to up load it >_<

Ill try again soon ant we will see what happens again *Sigh*

and Ill deffinately have more pics up either tomorrow or monday for you to view the rest of my cosplay goodness ^_^

1 comment:

Wendyburd1 said...

What if you upload it to youtube and just post the link here? Or does youtube have the 10 minute rule thing?

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