Sunday, August 23, 2009

Now I Seriously Got It To Load Woo Hoo

Yes I finally beat the conputer sysyem and aparently the site that I put my video on is also crazy and puts commercials in your crap but whatever I have it so its all good and I'm happy ^_^

so without any more delay I have the video and all is jacked up crazy glory ^_^

Watch Cooking with Crazy Peoples in Comedy View More Free Videos Online at

Woot well thats going to be my blog for now it took me four days but at least I gots it ^_^

any how yep I go now enjoy my crazyness.

1 comment:

Wendyburd1 said...

It is so great getting to hear your voice!! LOL! Do you have a chin cleft? Cary Grant did, I think they are so cool!LOL.Nice singing, who knew butter could be sung about? :P
I love the t-shirt by the way.

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